

Welcome to my Tiny Journey

Brendan logMy name is Brendan Kelly, creator and director of New Earth Living. I have been building my business from the ground up (pardon the pun) since it launched in 2016. Throughout my journey I have gained valuable experience and I continue to expand my knowledge on my passions; health, wellness and sustainability. Through writing blogs and sharing my journey I hope it inspires you to live by your passions too.

Why so Tiny? Why I got onboard Tiny House living.

The tiny house movement has taken off in recent years, gaining popularity in North America and Europe first, before catching on in our own backyards. There are Tiny House shows, movies, YouTube channels, Instagram and Facebook groups catering to those who are starting their Tiny House journey or just genuinely intrigue of how people manage to live in such a small space.

Small wooden cabin house

My interest in Tiny House living came from working with Habitat for Humanity, a not for profit charity to help those facing homelessness. I was surprised to see the statistics, more than 100,000 Australians are considered homeless. It shocks me to see the urban sprawl that encompasses Perth, every month new sub-divisions are being constructed impacting our native flora, fauna and our beautiful natural landscapes we are so fortunate to have in Australia. The average size of a new home is 233m squared, infrared shows that most homes only use the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms areas. Most homes have spare bedrooms and bathrooms just in case guests stay over. We also have spare rooms for our dining room, office, laundry and children’s playroom. This isn’t even including our outdoor entertainment area!

Tiny homes require only a small space, give you the freedom of moving and are much cheaper than the average mortgage. We believe everyone is entitled to a home, which is why we are innovators in the Tiny House movement. My ethos, living in harmony in nature, is exactly what we need to do in order to create a sustainable and healthy future. Using only what we need, recycling what we can, creating quality over quantity.

Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoy following us on our Journey!

If you require any further information, please get in touch with us

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